Thursday, January 14


aku x tahu knape ak pilih title cm gitu...:-)

alrite, nak tulis ape ni?
nothng yg serius! ok...
bila nak study nih?

"awak tak faham apa yang saya cakap ke, awak tak faham bahasa yang saya guna?"
~ soalan utk si xxxxx


12 jan (selasa)
mlm td :

shit! nape dia dtg dlm mimpi aku?
wht i've done?

apa ni???!!
"jgn smpai ak x bg commitment ye!
kamu buat kami macam ni.
PERLI-PERLI...KUTUK-KUTUK...ingat kami ape?
tunggul? xde perasaan? hati batu?
then nak mintak tolonglah pulak...follow up la...apa lah...apa nih?
agak-agak la...
tengok keadaan la nak main-main pun.
kamu ingat kami peduli sangat ke?
buat kerja pun sampai dah tak ikhlas dah.
baru nak muhasabah diri, tapi..."
apa ni???!!


CURSED??? kutukan semata-mata??

hari ni...
terpaksa hipokrit
buat suka-suka
u r BITCH BAS@#$%!!!
NO! it's dia...
dia...cakap buat tak tahu...buat tak kenal!
dia is mean
dia is hypocrite
dia is bitch
dia is ghost
dia is hell
dia is stupid
dia is evil
dia is devil
dia is bad
dia is SETAN
dia should not be here
dia should not live in this world

p/s : emosi tidak boleh digunakan dalam menilai

i think,i have to change my writing in this blog.
to be more serious, matured~ i am thinking...;-)

P/S: build your own skill


  1. build ur own blogging skill=)
    jgn terlalu emo ye...bersabar lah....=)

  2. i really xpasti 100% about si i cam leh agk saper...ermmm..only me know who i mean...he3~~
    anyway..juz stay cool beb! dont show ur rude 2!!!

  3. deusXmachina® : i mmg tgh build my blogging skill...heheh..emo kt blog sndr xpe kot!!..huhuhu..:)

    YuRi ArieSya : pndai2 lak main agak2 erk..?
    i'm not so that rude lah..:)


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